Onederful teams up with Principal® to automate insurance verifications

Let me describe the future of eligibility & benefits (E&B) verifications. Before a patient walks into a dental office, their E&Bs are automatically checked with the insurance carrier, and that information is populated directly into the provider’s software system.

The results are: No surprise bills for the patients, providers can collect faster and save time with manual phone calls, and insurance carriers save millions on call center costs.

Sounds like an impossible reality, right?

Today we announce the first step towards this reality. Onederful has teamed up with Principal® to enable 100% E&B information through an API to eliminate phone calls.

Onederful then standardized and transformed E&B data from Principal® to enable our network of software clients to easily connect to it.

The Onederful network of top practice management software companies, dental services organizations (DSOs), outsourced billers, dental offices and insurance experts provided feedback that they could receive close to 100% of E&B information when verifying patients, thereby eliminating a 30+ minute phone call to the carrier. Data such as full patient history, procedure code limitations, downgrades, and missing tooth clauses were all available through the API.

Principal® is the first of many carriers we are teaming up with to automate insurance verifications. We are building a new ecosystem to transform the dental industry. If you are an insurance carrier interested in partnering with Onederful to eliminate phone calls, please reach out to

Dental insurance from Principal® is issued by Principal Life Insurance Company, Des Moines, IA 50392.

Top 6 Reasons Claims are Rejected

Your dental practice can’t afford mistakes. The time it takes to fix a rejected claim costs you hours that you could spend elsewhere; not to mention the refiling fee if you are submitting them through your practice management system.

Here are a few other common reasons why your claims might be getting rejected and what steps you can take to fix them before that happens.

ADA Code Validation Failure

This can be as simple as using an invalid procedure code. It could also be the case that you have the correct code, but the insurance company requires a different one to process the claim (for example, D4342 was submitted with a tooth number, but the insurance company wants an oral cavity code instead).

Subscriber Not Found

This issue indicates that the subscriber isn’t on file or that the submitted ID doesn’t match the insurance company’s records. If you find that you’re receiving this error even though you have verified the subscriber ID, make sure the information is matched with the correct insurance company.

Missing or Invalid Subscriber ID

This is the policy holder’s subscriber ID number. If you are having issues with the subscriber’s ID, try inserting their SSN (social security number) in the subscriber ID field and type the subscriber ID in the SSN field.

Missing or Invalid Patient Information

This covers any information regarding the patient. If the patient is not available to verify their details, you can get this information by reaching out to their insurance company or by checking their Explanation of Benefits (EOB).

Incorrect Entity Address

This includes the address for the patient or the subscriber. Always confirm that the address your patient provides matches what their insurance company has on file for them.

Duplicate Claims

These are caused if you submit the same claim through multiple channels (a third party software, mail, practice management system, etc.). Typically, this means that the insurance company accepted the original claim and is only rejecting the duplicate. However, this can potentially lead to interrupted payment for the claim. It is best that your practice sticks to a single method for submitting claims like Remote Lite(R) e-claims services in the Practice Core solution by Vyne Dental.

Contact a team member today to assess your claim submission process and see where you can improve your workflow.

CTA: Schedule your workflow consultation

© 2020 Napa EA/MEDX, LLC. All rights reserved.

Strategic Plans for Dental Practice Growth

Optimize a plan to help achieve your goals.

The dental industry is constantly changing. As dental professionals, you need to execute strategic plans for success to stay competitive. Here are a few tips on how to drive patients to your practice.

Innovation Stack

As the dental industry continues to evolve, staying up to date with the latest dental trends is important for your practice to stay relevant.

The dental industry is going through a technological transformation. This is creating expectations for dental providers to provide higher quality patient care in the modern world.

What are the latest trends in the dental industry?

Cloud-based practice management software. This provides better security for confidential patient information, reduces the risk of human error, and can streamline daily administrative tasks and patient communication. Another advantage is that updates can automatically be pushed through the “cloud” which means no more long downloads or big files.

Video content. Tell your story and let your patients feel like they are part of the overall narrative. Videos can be used to market your practice, share your passion, or send a personal message. Create video content like how-to’s, Q&A, demonstrations, and the stories of other patients that have had great experiences with your practice through testimonials. People are more inclined to watch than read.

Teledentistry. Having real-time remote access to important patient information can help you grow your practice in new ways. Finding the right tools that offer a convenient way to work remotely is crucial so you can focus on what’s important – your patients.

Electronic claims processing. Using the right software to help you process your claims quickly, accurately, and with less effort is essential. Paying a flat rate fee for claims is a bonus. On top of that, Remote Lite works with most practice management software, allowing you to work with your existing setup.

Electronic claims attachments. By moving away from manual, paper-based processes you have the opportunity for increased efficiency and increased revenue cycle. The Fast Attach® platform puts an end to all of that manual work helping you start saving time and money.

Email encryption service. Maintaining key healthcare regulations and requirements is critical for your practice. The Vyne Connect™ email feature helps you communicate with confidence. This easy-to-use email encryption service allows your practice to communicate information safely with your patients.

Digital Presence

In today’s market, the consumer can usually find most of their needs by looking online for goods or services. Building a strong website is a key component in attracting business.

What makes a great website?

Functional and well-designed. This could be your patient’s first or only impression. Your site reflects your practice, your services, and most importantly your brand.

User-friendly. Don’t make your patients work for the information. Scheduling appointments online, using a secure patient portal to access their records, opting for text or email reminders are great ways to show your patients how your practice is keeping them in mind.

Optimized for mobile. Everyone is constantly on the move. Your site must work well on any platform whether it is a laptop, cellphone, or tablet. Doing this will improve the experience of your patients.

Make your practice readily accessible. Provide multiple points of contact like your phone number, email, social media channels, and a Google map. Make this information easy to find.

Why is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) important?

SEO boosts your practice’s reach. SEO is the process of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

One main benefit of investing in SEO is that potential patients can easily find your website when performing a search online. A highly targeted SEO strategy can help you market your services and attract the right demographic for your practice.

What ranking factors should your practice focus on?

Providing quality content . Creating quality content is key to attracting patients and creating interest in your practice. The more patients click on your links, the greater your chances are of getting better rankings on search engines.

User experience (UX). The way a patient navigates, interacts, and uses your website are all part of user experience. This is important because it aims to provide positive experiences that keep patients loyal to your practice.

Social signals . Having a social media presence creates a more engaging and personal connection between your practice and your patients. This leads to increased online visibility and traffic to your website.

Use these strategies to build your brand and create a positive, user-friendly, patient-focused experience. Turn your patients into brand ambassadors so that they can help your practice continuously grow.

© 2020 Napa EA/MEDX, LLC. All rights reserved. All third-party trademarks and tradenames (including logos and icons) referenced herein are and remain the property of their respective owners. This communication is provided for convenience as general information. Vyne does not guarantee reliance on the aforementioned information.

Remote Solutions for Your Dental Practice

Three tools to help you work remotely with ease.

As healthcare professionals, it’s important to continuously look for new ways to work and communicate with your team and patients. To do this, you need to find the right tools to uniquely empower your practice.

We have the solutions to help. These tools offer a convenient way to work remotely, help your practice avoid the disruption, and continue to focus on what’s important, your patients.

Remote Lite

With the Remote Lite tool, you’ll be able to send claims remotely from the comfort of your home.

Remote Lite works with your current practice management software, allowing you to work with your current setup.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Batch your claims using your practice management software.
  2. Send your claims to Remote Lite.
  3. Make any corrections to your claim and add your attachments.
  4. Send your claims and track their status in real-time.

Our expert support team is here to help you along the way, offer training, and help you set up Remote Lite on your computer.


Our Fast Attach® software allows your practice to electronically submit claim attachments with ease. Your practice will be able to upload images like x-rays, perio charts, EOBs, and other necessary documentation.

Fast Attach is an end-to-end service, streamlining your practice’s healthcare data within a private forum. In addition, our Fast Kapture® feature does not store images in your device gallery or SIM card, helping to eliminate the risk of compromised Protected Health Information (PHI).

You don’t need fancy office equipment to use this tool. You can upload images seamlessly from your phone using our Fast Kapture app.

By using these tools, submitting attachments becomes an effortless process while assisting your practice to meet key healthcare regulations and requirements.

Vyne Connect

Vyne Connect allows you to email your patients through an encrypted email service and is easy to use for your practice and your patients.

For dental practices, Vyne Connect offers an “add-in” feature, allowing messages to work in conjunction with Microsoft Outlook.

Unlike other email encryption services, patients don’t have to go through the hassle of registering an account to view the encrypted messages sent by your practice. For added security, our encryption service also allows you to decide the specifications on how they verify their identity.

Finding new tools that enable you to seamlessly transition from your dental practice to working remotely when needed is beneficial. We know that working from home can be rough, but we’re here to help you navigate those struggles.


Related: 8 Reasons to Consider Email Encryption and Electronic Claims Attachment Solutions


© 2020 Napa EA/MEDX, LLC. All rights reserved. 

All third-party trademarks and tradenames (including logos and icons) referenced herein are and remain the property of their respective owners. 

8 Reasons to Consider Email Encryption and Electronic Claims Attachment Solutions

While you likely have a solid understanding of why it’s beneficial to migrate away from manual, paper-based processes in your practice, particularly when it comes to dental claims attachments, have you considered a safe way to implement your day-to-day communications?

Many practices continue to use standard email systems to communicate with others outside of their organization – whether that’s patients, payers, or other providers – or a combination of the three. Seems safe enough, right? With increased risk and sensitivity around safeguarding protected health information (PHI), it might be time to adopt an encrypted email service to compliment your electronic claims attachment service – or understand the reasons why both solutions make sense for today’s dental practice.

  1. Communicate with confidence – With email encryption and electronic claims attachment working for you, your end-to-end communications are more secure and trackable all the way through the information sharing and claims attachment process. Plus, there’s no guessing on what can and cannot be sent, from treatment plans to billing information.
  2. Increased efficiency – By moving away from manual, paper-based processes for dental claim attachments and supporting documentation to more secure, electronic solutions, your staff can increase efficiency and focus on other tasks and patient care.
  3. Less paper – This is an obvious one – but printing and chasing paper documentation is not only time consuming, but it also opens you up to human error, lost or unreceived communications, additional paperwork, issues with faulty or lagging mail service, and more. Why not let technology work for you to streamline the exchange process and eliminate wasted resources?
  4. Minimal disruption – The ideal kind of email encryption solution lets you continue to use your existing email address and email platform. It’s easy for your practice to get up and running with email encryption and electronic claims attachment solutions, especially when considering all the benefits.
  5. Potential cost savings – Finding a technology provider that offers both an electronic claims attachment and email encryption service can provide savings to your dental practice. As a bonus: one provider means better customer support and less phone or web inquiries to make.
  6. Risk reduction – Email is a quick way to send information, but standard email programs are not secure and do not encrypt information. An email encryption service allows PHI or any other necessary information to be sent to parties outside your organization safely. With increased scrutiny on claims attachments and PHI, why risk thousands of dollars when there are solutions in the marketplace?
  7. Receive payment faster – With electronic transmission and retrieval of requested records, you can receive documentation and images in minutes versus days when using manual methods, resulting in an increased revenue cycle. Many practices that are using technology to support their communications and claim attachments get paid within two weeks or less.
  8. Simplicity for recipients – Patients, payers, and other providers can easily view, download, and reply to emails sent with an encrypted email solution and at no added cost to them. Payers are comfortable with and prefer encrypted electronic communications and claims attachments.

How Technology Can Impact Revenue Cycle Success

Effective revenue cycle management starts with the pre-visit process and runs all the way through to final payment. Naturally, patient care is the primary focus of any successful dental practice, but effective revenue cycle management keeps the doors open and the lights on, therefore it is an essential component that cannot be ignored.

One way to be more effective at revenue cycle management is to implement technology to automate office processes. The following is a look at how implementing technology, such as practice management systems, email encryption, and electronic claims and attachment solutions can result in an immediate boost to your practice’s bottom line.

Improved communication – With technology like dental practice management software, email encryption and electronic claims and attachments working for you, your end-to-end communications are more secure, more accurate, and highly trackable. This benefits everyone involved in your revenue cycle, resulting in faster claim processing and reimbursement from payers as well as and improved treatment acceptance and payment from your patients.

Increased efficiency – By moving away from manual, paper-based or less automated digital processes, your staff can free up time to focus on other tasks such as researching industry trends and new service offerings, new marketing opportunities, and of course, devote themselves to providing better patient service.

Eliminate paper – Printing and chasing paper documentation is not only time-consuming and bad for the environment, but it opens you up to human error, lost or unreceived communications, additional paperwork, issues with faulty or lagging mail service, and more. Errors can mean claim denials and delayed payments which can shoot your accounts receivable (AR) through the roof. The industry is transforming into one that rapidly accepts technology to enhance the profession and leave the paper behind.

Minimal disruption – Today’s technology options are more user-friendly and require minimal setup or technology team intervention. For example, email encryption solutions often let you continue to use your existing email address and email platform making it easy for your practice to get up and running, with minimal training required for your staff. Increased support from technology vendors can make the transition seamless. As with any technology, the end-user experience is also crucial. Today, there are even encrypted email solutions that make it simple for the recipient to access and open an encrypted message without having to create yet another account and login to clutter their workflow.

Cost savings – Finding a technology provider that offers multiple technology offerings can provide savings to your dental practice. When you work towards digital automation, your practice can save thousands over what you might spend on paper, mailing, and even hourly pay for staff as they require more time to complete tasks. Consolidating vendors for services like claims, attachments, and encrypted email means cost-savings for you; and, as a bonus, having a single service provider means better customer support and less phone or web inquiries taking up your staff’s valuable time.

Risk reduction – In the world of oral health care, there is plenty of room for error specifically related to billing processes that directly affect the revenue cycle. Claim forms and attachments that are mailed in get “lost”. Patient payments may be dropped “in the mail” yet never received, and the list goes on. For every manual process or task performed by your staff, there is a chance of incorrect information being shared or submitted that can cause delays in case acceptance, slow payments, and diminished patient satisfaction. When it comes to patient communications, utilizing technology can also ensure your practice communicates in a more compliant manner. With a major focus on Protected Health Information (PHI) and HIPAA regulations, no practice can afford to have a data breach. A data breach no matter the size, is a breach of patient trust, a blow to your business’ reputation and can cost thousands of dollars to you and your employees. Why jeopardize all of that when there are simple technology solutions that you can easily put in place to help mitigate your risk?

Faster payments – With electronic transmission and retrieval of requested records you can receive documentation and images in minutes versus days when using manual methods, resulting in an improved revenue cycle. Many practices that are using technology to support their claim submissions, communications and claim attachments see their claims accepted faster and they get paid within two weeks. More advanced claim software can also provide near-real-time feedback at the time of claim submission to let practices know if there are any issues with the claim, i.e., missing information, before the claim is submitted. By empowering your practice with this information prior to claim submission, the errors can be fixed in advance saving time and money.

Simplicity – Once you are up and running with the right technology for your back-office, the first people to benefit are your team members. With minimal training, they can immediately see how simple it can be to manage back-office tasks like insurance billing. Your patients, payers, and other providers will quickly see the benefits, too. Patients will notice the seamless organization of their visits and will appreciate the enhanced security of the communications you send. Payers prefer electronic communications related to claims and attachments because it makes their work easier, and other referring providers appreciate the efficiency with which your practice electronically manages referrals using more secure communication methods than outdated faxes or letters.

All dental practices want to increase their cash flow and reduce the time spent on back office tasks, all while increasing the service level they provide to patients. Adopting technology solutions will pay for itself and more in dividends, and everyone in your revenue cycle management workflow will quickly experience the benefits.

The dental industry is transforming into one that rapidly accepts technology to enhance the profession, and while many dentists are on-board with utilizing new clinical technologies in care of their patients, the work they do is still being billed for and collected via outdated, manual paper processes fraught with risk and inefficiencies. Technology adoption is a hurdle that we encourage dental practices to fully embrace now because the longer practices wait to move forward, the further they will fall behind. In today’s competitive oral health care market, providers need to take action to run their businesses efficiently so that they can continue providing the high levels of care their patients expect and deserve.

Onederful Completes SOC 2 Type 2 Certification

Onederful announces that the company has undergone a System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 examination resulting in a CPA’s report stating that management of Onederful maintained effective controls over the security, availability, and confidentiality of its system. The engagement was performed by BARR Advisory, P.A.
A SOC 2 report is designed to meet the needs of existing or potential customers who need assurance about the effectiveness of controls at a service organization that are relevant to the security, availability, or processing integrity of the system used by the service organization to process customers’ information, or the confidentiality or privacy of that information.

The following principles and related criteria have been developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) for use by practitioners in the performance of trust services engagements:

  • Security: The system is protected against unauthorized access (both physical and logical).
  • Availability: The system is available for operation and use as committed or agreed.
  • Confidentiality: Information designated as confidential is protected as committed or agreed.
  • HIPAA Security Rule Requirements: The BI360 system and applicable controls are compliant with the applicable HIPAA Security Rule requirements set forth in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Health Information Portability and Accountability Act

If you represent a Dental Insurance carrier and would like a copy of our SOC 2 report, please contact us at:

Introducing Onederful’s revamped documentation

Our team is happy to introduce our revamped developers webpage.

In this update we’ve created new:

  • API DocumentationThis revamped API documentation showcases our APIs and schemas as well as descriptions for each parameter used.
  • Payer list

    Payer list search functionality to search through the 200+ dental payers supported by Onederful.

  • Blog

    Blog is where our team will announce new features we’re rolling out.

Our team is also currently working on a couple quickstart tutorials that we will release soon. If you have any feedback for our team about our revamped docs, please feel free to email us at We greatly appreciate your feedback!

Introducing eligibility and benefits API v2

Our team is happy to introduce v2 eligibility and benefits API to the dental industry. After spending countless hours listening to client feedback, talking to insurance companies, and working with clinical and engineering teams, we’ve taken all our learnings and used them to improve our eligibility and benefits API.We’ve recently updated our API developer documentation to provide more transparency and description to the underlying schema as well as provide enums used.

The main challenge with working with insurance data is that each insurance has their own language and way of structuring data, meaning there is no normalized structure across all the insurances. This causes issues at the integration level as that requires mapping and translation at a per insurance company level.

Internally, over the last couple years, Onederful has been codifying and essentially structuring data on a per insurance level to limit the scope and variability across insurance companies. Onederful’s v2 eligibility and benefits API is meant to provide a universal schema to normalize data across insurance carriers.

As this has never been done in the industry before, there is still room for improvement as there are still free text sections that can be codified and placed into enums. However, with the help from you as client feedback, we can constantly improve our API and together work towards codifying across all insurances in the dental space.

If you come across any free text sections that you believe should be codified into an enum, please reach out to us at We greatly appreciate your feedback!