Complete/Update your Practice Survey

Your completed survey allows our Smile Specialists to access important information about your practice – and relay that information to your patients who engage in chat. The more information you provide in your survey, the more tailored and personalized the chat experience will be.


Open Vyne Trellis and click on “Live Webchat” in the left sidebar

1. In the top right corner, click on the settings “gear” icon.

2. Click on the “Survey” tile in the row labeled “Amplify”.

3. Select the location survey you’d like to review/edit by clicking the “Edit Info” button.

4. Add or edit any information that you’d like our Smile Specialist to be aware of including office hours, procedures, payment options, insurance accepted and much more!

Your survey can be edited any time you wish – and any changes will be immediately visible to our Smile Specialists to share with your patients.